Max Garbuz- personal page

Updated: 01/01/2024

Side Projects (thumbnails)


Area of Interest

  • - AI / Rapid Full-Stack Engineering, Techpreneurship
  • - Blockchain, Web, ML
  • - Bio, Healthtech
  • - Mass Psychology

Not Interested in

    • - low Integrity projects
    • - any cooperation with big tech

Payments in crypto

Go-to Tools


  • - Next.js (React) / SvelteKit / Astro
  • - Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion
  • - Headless UI, Daisy UI, NextUI, Chakra UI
  • - Jotai, SWR / React Query / Apollo Client
  • - Plasmo, Tauri, React Native, Electron
  • - Jest, Testing Library, Cypress


  • - Hardhat / Foundry, Alchemy
  • - Filecoin (IPFS), Moralis, Chainlink, etc
  • - Ink (Polkadot) / CosmWasm (Cosmos)
  • - NEAR Protocol / Anchor (Solana)


  • - Serverless and Edge / Node.js / Bun
  • - Supabase / PlanetScale
  • - Upstash (Redis), MongoDB Atlas
  • - Firebase / Hasura GraphQL

DevOps / ML / Digital Content

  • - Vercel / Cloudflare
  • - WSL, Turbo, GH Actions, Docker
  • - PS, Vegas, Figma, etc

I'm currently

• online
Time: 00:00 EET (Eastern European time)
6:00 20:00

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Provide contact details, if you need feedback.
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